Like a BOSS.

The first real lunch break that Leah and I took after TM, which was our first real lunch break in six months, I apparently had a race flashback and this happened:


Let me back up and give a little background information. Paint the scene if you will. We had a relatively peaceful lunch but came outside to this:

Some kind citizen had parked so closely that I couldn’t open my door. Hmm. There was much discussion between myself and Leah (aka Louise, as in Thelma’s better half) and we narrowed it down to the following options:

We can either

A) go back inside, cause a scene, and ask the car’s owner to move it


B) climb in the window.


Decisions decisions…..

Leah was supposed to keep watch and make sure no one was looking or video recording this for five minutes of fame on Youtube. Instead, being the good friend that she is, she documented the ally-oop process for her own enjoyment and now here is it for your viewing pleasure as well.

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Like a boss.

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